重要通知(第十六号) Important Notice(No.16)


Important NoticeNo.16



To all International students for degree CAA:



At present, pandemic of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia is wide spreading globally, with more than 2.48 million people diagnosed in 209 countries and regions. It is necessary to abide by the general prevention and control  measurements of China and to secure the health and stablize study evironment of all the students. According to the arrangement of CAA for 2020 spring semester, please be informed as below:



For-degree International students who are OUTSIDE of Mainland China:



You are NOT coming back to CAA campus this semester. Please continue your study of the courses via internet according to Important Notice No.15 for the whole semester. Graduating students will attend online defence for your dissertations as well as online graduation artworks’ exhibition. Those who are examined and confirmed to be qualified by CAA will graduate normally. As to graduating students whose academic processes have been severely impacted by the epidemic, you will go through the relevant formalities with the approval of CAA and may choose to attend offline defence of your dissertations as well as offline graduation artworks’ exhibition in 2021 (you need to pay for international travel expenses, lodgings and artwork mounting, etc by yourself ).



For-degree International students who are IN Mainland China:




You are to come back to CAA campus on May 11th . Graduating students will attend onsite defence of your dissertations as well as onsite graduation artworks’ exhibition. Those who are examined and confirmed to be qualified by CAA will graduate normally.


(1) Those who have been in high-risk areas (as per administrative grade of county) of the epidemic; (2) physically ill (with formal hospital certificate);

(3) those who have completed all necessary courses with no more course this term;

you MAY continue to study at home upon being verified and approved by your professional departments and the International College together.  



Requirements for students who will return CAA campus:


1. 在中国境内选择返校的国际学历学生需填写《返校申请表》向教学院系、国际教育学院申请,由教学院系与国际教育学院批准后方可返校。申请表详见附件。

For-degree International students in China who choose to return to the campus will need to submit your Application of Returning to Campus to your professional departments as well as International College. You can return ONLY after approval. Please refer to attachment for Application Form.

2. 申请成功后需凭校园健康码绿码返校,非绿码者延缓返校。校园健康码:下载并登陆企业微信申领校园健康码。

image.png  image.png

Those whose applications are given approval will return by GREEN Campus Health Code. Please wait if your health code is NOT green. To obtain the Green Code, please download WeChat Work and login to apply.

3. 出发前如本人或共同居住的家人突然有发热、咳嗽等呼吸道感染症状的同学必须向学校报告,暂缓返校。

In case you or your family member have fever, cough or other symptoms of respiratory infection just before you start back, reports MUST be made to CAA and your return MUST be delayed.

4. 返校同学需考虑返校途中风险,严格做好个人防护。

Those who choose to return should be aware of the risks during the journey back and prepare your personal protection strictly.

5. 需延期返校者请向教学院系和国际教育学院申请。

Those who will delay to return need to submit application to your professional departments as well as International College.

6. 湖北等疫情严重地区学生须在当地进行核酸、血清检测正常,并到杭州市新冠病毒核酸和血清检测综合服务点核验确认无异常后返校。

Those who have been in pandemic areas like Hubei Province MUST take nuclein and serum tests in your local hospital before starting back. Only those with nagetive results will be allowed to return. Upon arrival in Hangzhou mentioned students above will go to check and get confirmed in Hangzhou Municipal Service Station for Nuclein and Serum Tests of COVID-19 before returning to CAA campus.

7. 返校前,认真完成学习《开学前第一课——新冠肺炎防控系列科普视频(中学、大学篇)》、《新冠肺炎疫情防控学校指导手册(高校版)》、《中国美术学院疫情防控期间学生行为规范》。

Also those who choose to return CAA campus need to pass the tasks of the First Lesson BEFORE starting your journey back:

Watch vedio series of popularization of science of how to prevent and control Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Middle School and College Students Version ); read the Instruction of how to prevent and control Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia(College Students Version); CAA Students Behavior Norms during Pandemic Period. Please do study them carefully.

8. 511日以前不得提前返校。

Please DO NOT come back to CAA campus before May 11th.



 Notices for students who will return to CAA campus:

1. 在学校健康打卡系统、《返校申请表》中如实填报返校报告。

Please first login the CAA health check-in system and fill in thee Returning CAA Application Form.

2. 乘坐火车、飞机等公共交通工具时,需全程佩戴口罩,安检时短暂取下口罩,面部识别结束后立即戴上口罩,尽快通过安检通道。

Please wear your mask during the whole journey when you take public transportation such as the railway or airline except for the security check. Please put it on as soon as the security check is over and go through the security check passage as quickly as possible.

3. 返校报到进入校园、宿舍时,须主动配合学校的体温检测和校园健康码身份认定工作。

Please co-operate in the temperature test and campus health code ID confirmation when you return to campus and the dormitory.

4. 配合学校做好返校当天校门口交通管理工作,家长及陪同人员及外来车辆在校门外即停即走,禁止进入校园、宿舍。

Please co-operate with the transportation administration at the school gate upon your arrival. Parents and others who accompany you and their cars MUST leave as soon as they drop you at the gate. They are NOT allowed to enter the campus or dormitory.

5. 返校时,应直接回到本人宿舍或校外住处,不得进入其他宿舍楼和其他宿舍,自觉在公寓管理人员指导下做好各自宿舍的清洁、消毒工作。

Please enter your own room or your off-campus accommodation directly when you return to campus. You ARE NOT allowed to enter other floors or others’ rooms. Please do the cleaning and disinfecting of your room well under instruction of dormitory administation crew.  



Other precatutions after returning to the campus:

1. 自觉按照学校规定进行健康监测,每日两次在打卡系统中如实填报体温情况;

Please moniter your heath consciously and login to report your temperature TWO times everyday in the the CAA health check-in system.

2. 在疫情防控期间不得出杭州市,遵守非必须不请假、未审批不离校原则。有特殊情况需要出市,必须经二级学院辅导员审批、党总支(直属支部)书记同意,国际教育学院院长同意,严格履行请假程序;

You are NOT to go out of Hangzhou during the pandemic prevention and control period. “No permssion for leave unless necessary” and “No leaving from the campus without permission” rules MUST be abided. In case you need to go outside Hangzhou for specific reasons, you MUST present application to the instructor of the professional departments to verify and approve together with the approval of the party secrectary of the departments and International College before leaving. This process MUST be strictly executed.  

3. 严禁外来人员探访,不串门,不聚集;

No visitors allowed. No visits to others’ room. No gathering with others.

4. 错时错峰前往食堂就餐。鼓励自带餐具或购买盒饭回公寓就餐。

Dining at the canteen in turns. Bringing your own dinnerware and take dinner back to your room will be appreciated.



We do hope that all our students will obey the above-mentioned requirements exactly. No matter you will continue to study online at home or return to campus, please understand and follow the healthy lifestyle, appropriate learning approaches and healthy diet guidlines under the regular prevention and control. Let’s work together to ensure our study and living.  




International College of CAA

April 24, 2020              


1、返校申请表.xlsx/Returning CAA Application Form



Attachment downloads