In accordance with the CAA notice, the winter vacation arrangements for 2025 are hereby notified as follows.
The winter vacation begins on 11th January(Saturday) and will end on 1st March(Saturday). The date for the registration of next semester will fall on 2nd March(Sunday) with your courses formally starting on 3rd March(Monday).
1. 严禁非法打工!没有工作签证的留学生,如果在中国进行盈利性活动,都是非法的。
Illegal working is strictly prohibited! It is illegal for international students to get a job or conduct profit-making affairs without a work visa.
2. 24小时内完成住宿登记。出行到达别的城市,如果住酒店或者公寓,请按规定进行住宿登记;如果居住在朋友家中,请到辖区派出所进行报备。如果离开中国再来中国,必须重新做住宿登记,否则属于非法居留。
Please complete the accommodation registration within 24 hours. If you travel to other cities and stay in a hotel or apartment, please register according to the regulations. If you are staying at a friend's home, please do the registration at the local police station. If you return China after going abroad, you must do the accommodation registration again, otherwise your residence will be regarded as illegal.
Beware of any unfamiliar text messages or phone calls. When encountering suspicious phone calls or messages, hang up or do not reply. Do not tell anyone your private information, bank card information, etc.
Be cautious about fire. Smoking, improper electrical appliances and open flames are prohibited in the dormitory. Be sure to turn off the power and tap when leaving your room.
Obey the traffic rules. Wearing a helmet is a must when riding an electric bike; do not drive or ride against the traffic; do not run the red light. It is strictly prohibited to drive illegally modified motor vehicles. And driving without a driver’s license is also regarded as illegal.
Stand firmly against drugs. Stay away from drugs and cherish your life.
Report timely. Please abide by the campus regulations if you are staying in the international student dormitory during the winter vacation. Do remember to report to the office of the International College if there’s any change to your winter vacation plan.
Emergency Contact Numbers
校园安全处:南山校区Nanshan Campus:87164821
象山校区Xiangshan Campus:87200110
良渚校区Liangzhu Campus:87603110
山北生活区公寓值班台电话Living Area of XiangShan Campus:87164713
转塘派出所报警电话ZhuanTang Police Station:87091067
全国报警电话 Police: 110
全国火警报警电话 Fire Alarm: 119
全国交通报警电话 Traffic Police: 122
全国急救电话 First-Aid: 120