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Chinese Landscape Painting Course——Journey amidst the Mountain and Stream





Course Objectives.

       This course is based on the study video of Professor Zhang Jie's " Xishan Xing Lv Tu (Journey amidst the Mountain and Stream) from the School of Painting and Calligraphy, CAA, and will provide explanations and demonstrations.  From this painting, students will be able to establish correct observation, understanding and basic knowledge of Chinese landscape painting, and master the basic method of painting trees and stones using this painting as a model.



Duration of the course: 4 weeks


Tuition: RMB2400 per 4 weeks



Course Format:


PDF Imitation instructions, Short Video Demonstration, Homework Review, Video Q&A


PDF is used to clarify the key points and difficulties of teaching, to let students better understand the methods and key points of copying in the form of demonstration and step-by-step learning, etc. A corresponding PDF instructions is provided for each teaching unit.

临摹示范视频 通过教师示范录播视频,让学生了解临摹中的笔墨基本技法、画法,通过观摩视频达到现场教学的效果。(学生须装备钉钉APP

Short Video Demonstration  Through the teacher's demonstration video, students will understand the basic techniques of brush and ink and drawing in copying, and can achieve the effect of on-site teaching by observing the video. (Students should install the Dingtalk)

作业点评 教师通过学生的作业了解学生对课程学习的掌握和理解情况,在作业上加以评注,帮助学生提高练习的正确性和学习的效率。作业每周由学生在规定时间内提交高质量作业图片,教师批注后发回。

Homework Review The teacher uses students' assignments to understand their retention and understanding of the course and comments on the assignments to help students improve the quality of their practice and efficacy of learning. Assignments are submitted each week by students within the deadline with high quality pictures of their work, which are returned with the teacher's comments.

视频答疑 对于一些难点、疑惑的问题,每周进行一次一对一30分钟视频答疑,答疑时间须与任课教师提前预约,如无预约视作自动放弃。

Video Q&A For difficult and confusing questions, one-on-one 30-minute video Q&A will be held once a week, and the student should make a appointment with the instructor in advance for Q&A time. Without an appointment, student will be considered waiving this opportunity.



Course content:

(一)                         课前预习

preparation for class


After confirming the customized course, before the start of the course, we will send you the video of Professor Zhang Jie's study of "Journey amidst the Mountain and Stream" and the high-resolution pictures of it  from the School of Calligraphy and Painting of China Academy of Art, or you can buy a copy of the painting by yourself, as well as the materials. We will provide you with a list of tools.

(二)                         树法解析(第一周)

Explanation of the method of trees (week 1)


Explanation and demonstration of the methods for painting trunk ,clamping leaf, dot leaf and distant tree.

(三)                         石法解析(第二周)

Explanation of the method of stones (week 2)


Explanation of rock and mountain structure, texture methods analysis, demonstration of the Three-distance method

(四)                         建筑及点景解析(第三周)

Explanation of the method of building and decorates (week 3)


Explanation and demonstration of architectural method, waterfall and trestle painting method.

(五)                         完整局部的练习(第四周)

Complete partial exercise (week 4)


Explanation of the complete steps and methods for a partial copying practice.


每周课程时间安排:Weekly schedule of classes.

周一 学生自学范宽《溪山行旅图》视频课程。

Monday Students self-study Fan Kuan's "Journey amidst the Mountain and Stream" video lesson.

周二 教师通过钉钉发送本周PDF解析,录播视频链接及作业要求。学生进行练习。

Tuesday Teacher sends out PDF instructions, links to recorded videos, and homework requirements via Dingtalk this week. Students practice on their own.

周三 学生练习,并通过钉钉提交高清作业照片。

Wednesday Students practice and submit high-resolution photos of their work via Dingtalk.

周四  教师发回练习点评和建议,学生练习。可预约答疑。

Thursday Teacher sends back comments on practice and suggestions. Q&A available by appointment.

周五  学生练习并完成上交作业,教师点评。可预约答疑。

Friday Students complete assignments and submit. teacher comments.  Q&A available by appointment.





Students complete 1-2 complete works per week based on key techniques.


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